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Dale Green





Prometheus Inc. Principal Scientist Mr. Dale Green has been an internationally recognized expert in modem development, acoustic communications and signal processing for more than 40 years. He was the principal architect for the development of modem-based portable tracking ranges for the US Navy's NUWC Division Keyport. His three directly related patents, for which Mr. Green developed the technologies, are: a method for communicating with very high speed underwater platforms; a modem-based technology which precisely identifies the range and bearing to another modem; and a device which accurately measures the bearing of arbitrary broadband acoustic signals. He has worked extensively in the field of undersea networks, and was the Principal Investigator on the US Navy's SEAWEB program. He provided the core technology for the new NATO standard (STANAG) on underwater acoustic communications known as JANUS, and was the Vice Chair (North America) for a NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG) advising NATO on JANUS. He received the 2018 NATO Scientific Achievement Award for his contributions to JANUS.


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